Gifted Education

Mrs. Sally Spencer, Gifted Specialist



The CATS (Children with Academic Talents in School) program serves identified gifted students in grades K-5th grade. Students are engaged in enrichment groups twice a week pursuing areas of interest and topics in greater depth and complexity. Students formulate solutions to complex questions or real-world problems demonstrating knowledge and skills through the development of a product or presentation for a real authentic audience.

Middle School

Students in middle school GRIPs are given opportunities to grow and build skills in math and English.  Self-interested projects allow for students to build on areas of strength and complete robust research projects in the development of a finished product by the end of the school year.  Math differentiation is further provided through advanced math courses offered to students. For English enrichment, students are invited to apply for an honors level course.

High School

Honors-level coursework in English is available for students in grades 9 and 10; these courses serve the needs of gifted students through their emphasis on developing writing, oral expression, and higher-level thinking skills through the study of literature. IB English 11 and 12 complete our course offerings for students identified as gifted in English; these courses offer college-level instruction focusing on an in-depth study of literature and the ability to write for different contexts and audiences. 

Likewise, students identified as gifted in mathematics are served by honors-level coursework in grades 9 and 10. IB and AP coursework is offered in grades 11 and 12. 

All honors, IB, and AP math classes are characterized by a broad scope and a rigorous pacing of content. The IB and AP courses offer college-level instruction and require the completion of independent mathematical projects. Students in grades 11 and 12 are often able to earn college credits in IB English 12, IB Math Analysis, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics through a dual-enrollment arrangement with Lord Fairfax Community College. 


August 2024

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