Instructional Technology Resource Teachers

The overall goal of the ITRT program is to provide effective support for curriculum and technology integration. The main challenge is to provide adequate training and support to bring teachers—at every point of the continuum, from tech. beginner to tech. expert—to an adequate level of technical expertise to meet learning goals to support student innovation and achievement.

Patrick Hausammann, Supervisor of Instructional Technology & ITRT

Boyce Elementary &  Johnson-Williams Middle School



Jon Novick, ITRT

D.G. Cooley Elementary &  Clarke County High School

Duties and responsibilities of an ITRT include but are not limited to the following: 

CCPS Instructional Technology Supports (Sept. 2022)

What can an ITRT Do For Me?

ITRTs can help in many different ways.

ITRT Use - Suggestion for Teams/Teachers

Support Ticket (email vs. ITRT

Which do I use/contact?

Technology Support vs ITRT Support