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CCPS OnDemand PD
What is it?
Launched in Spring of 2017, CCPS OnDemand PD, is an online, professional development source. Courses are developed by district instructional technology resource teachers (ITRTs) and, in the future, by teachers that have successfully integrated technology into their classrooms.
How does it work?
Courses will be built around a central technology or technology integration topic. For example, Google Forms, would include not only how to use Google Forms but also how to create self-grading quizzes and "choose your own adventure" activities with the tool as well. A course on Using Video in Edu would not only contain information on sources like YouTube, Discovery Education, and eMedia VA, but, would also go into how to create and share playlists, assign content to students, and even use a tool like EDPuzzle to embed assessments in videos.
Prior to starting the courses teachers will complete a Google Form on the course site indicating their interest. An ITRT will respond to that form submission with the Google Classroom code. All coursework will then be completed within the course's Google Classroom.
Upon completion of online coursework, teachers would schedule co-planning, co-teaching, and/or ITRT observation of a lesson or lessons taught with technology integrated. This is a mandatory component to receive full amount of possible re-certification points.
What are the benefits?
Re-certification points will be gained directly corresponding to the amount of coursework completed. Every course will be rated at 15 recertification points with completion of all assignments. If only some of the assignments are completed, less hours will be gained. For example, three assignments are completed out of 8 and the assignments are valued at 6 hours; that level of completion would gain 6 recertification points instead of the total 15.
In addition, hours will be earned through co-planning and co-teaching with an ITRT. Ten (10) additional recertification points will be gained through this co-planning & co-teaching. In total, a completed course with ITRT co-planning & co-teaching will yield 25 recertification points.
The online nature of the courses makes them accessible from anywhere with an internet connection and anytime that works for the learner.